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Forgiveness - A Complex Journey Towards Healing

Forgiveness is often preached as a virtue in many cultures and religions worldwide. It is seen as a pathway to healing, a mark of spiritual maturity, and a way to find inner peace. However, the act of forgiving is a deeply personal journey, fraught with a myriad of emotions, challenges, and intricacies. Not everyone views or processes forgiveness in the same way. Read More

Finding Compassion: How to be Kinder in a Cruel World

In a world that can often feel harsh and unforgiving, finding compassion has never been more crucial, especially within our closest relationships. Couples in marriages or long-term partnerships and family members may be trapped in a cycle of blame, resentment, and misunderstanding. Read More

The Ever-Changing Beauty Standards - Is Perfect Always Best?

In 'The Ever-Changing Beauty Standards,' we journey through the relentless pursuit of perfection and its emotional toll. With candid reflections on personal highs and lows, this piece confronts societal pressures around appearance and self-worth. It champions self-acceptance, celebrating our 'good enough' moments, and stresses the importance of individual happiness.
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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

Social Media Addiction Presentation.

On social media, we are like gods. What we think comes to life and constantly changes our online world. This leads to a strong bias where we only see things that agree with us, creating a self-focused fake universe that encourages self-obsession and a lack of acceptance for others.

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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

How to treat Social Media Addiction.

How is social media addiction diagnosed

An obsession with usage, experiencing discomfort when not using, an increasing need for more usage, repeated unsuccessful efforts to cut down or stop, persisting use despite acknowledging its problems, misleading others about the extent of usage, using as a means to evade or alleviate negative emotions, sacrificing other activities, and risking or harming relationships or career due to excessive use.

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Guest User Guest User

What Successful Relationships and Businesses Have in Common

The complexities of human connections and the intricacies of entrepreneurial ventures might seem like two entirely different worlds. However, upon closer examination, successful relationships and thriving businesses share a surprising number of similarities.

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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

What Is Justice Sensitivity? Empowering ADHD Individuals

Justice sensitivity is a heightened awareness and response to unfairness and injustice. Individuals with a keen sense of justice, particularly those with ADHD, are more attuned to perceived wrongdoings and often experience profound cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions.

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Guest User Guest User

Finding Compassion: How to be Kinder in a Cruel World

In a world that can often feel harsh and unforgiving, finding compassion has never been more crucial, especially within our closest relationships. Couples in marriages or long-term partnerships and family members may find themselves trapped in a cycle of blame, resentment, and misunderstanding. The pressures of modern life, such as work, financial worries, and daily demands, can erode our capacity for empathy, leaving us disconnected from those we care about most.

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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

Empowering Recovery from Narcissistic Personality Disorder with CBT

If you, or someone you know, are grappling with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), understanding the intricate psychological concerns and relationship challenges this condition entails is crucial. Individuals with NPD often display grandiosity and narcissistic behavior, reflecting an inflated sense of self-importance and considering themselves unparalleled.

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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

What is Cybersex Addiction? Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery

Delve into the intricate psyche of addiction with 'Understanding the Addictive Mind.' This comprehensive guide unravels the deep-seated core beliefs that drive addictive behaviors, dives into the complexities of Cyber Sex addiction, and exposes the digital age phenomenon of creating false identities. In today's interconnected world, grasp the interplay of escapism, deception, and the human longing for connection.

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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

The Ever-Changing Beauty Standards - Is Perfect Always Best?

In 'The Ever-Changing Beauty Standards,' we journey through the relentless pursuit of perfection and its emotional toll. With candid reflections on personal highs and lows, this piece confronts societal pressures around appearance and self-worth. It champions self-acceptance, celebrating our 'good enough' moments, and stresses the importance of individual happiness.

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Alexandra Vaganova Alexandra Vaganova

Is Criticism Always Obvious in Communication?

In relationships, criticism isn't always overt. It often sneaks in through sarcasm, backhanded compliments, and passive-aggressive behaviors. Such covert critiques can include neglecting appreciation for a partner's efforts, persistently teasing them, or drawing constant comparisons to others. While these may seem harmless, they can erode trust and self-esteem, subtly conveying dissatisfaction and judgment.

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