Therapy for Financial Stress.
Financial stress can cause anxiety, depression, and impaired functioning.
Here is how Financial Stress can hurt you:
Emotional Ups and Downs: When you're under financial stress, it can really affect your mood. You might find yourself getting angry or annoyed easily, or having sudden mood changes. Things that usually wouldn't bother you much can start to make you really upset, and this can make things hard with people close to you.
Ignoring Money Problems: Oddly enough, when dealing with money worries, some people try to just ignore them. You might put off looking at bills, not check your bank account, or just hope your money problems will fix themselves. But not dealing with these issues usually just makes them worse.
Pulling Away from Others: Money stress can make you feel embarrassed or ashamed, leading you to pull back from hanging out with friends or family. You might hide your financial issues, but this can make you feel even lonelier and more isolated.
Turning to Unhealthy Habits: Some people try to handle the stress by using more alcohol or drugs. This might seem to help at the moment, but it's not a good long-term solution and can lead to bigger problems down the road.