Florida Therapists & Online Counselors

Our Core Values

Empathy, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism

Trauma-informed Approach at Serenity
Space Therapy

At Serenity Space Therapy, we acknowledge the lasting effects of trauma on individuals and communities, encompassing their mental, relational, physical, social, and spiritual dimensions.

With compassion, we extend a warm welcome to each client, recognizing that trauma, in its various forms (direct, indirect, generational, systemic, relational, acute, chronic, covert, overt), has likely shaped their past or present experiences, whether explicitly shared or not.

Our dedicated therapists undergo specialized training to identify signs of trauma, respond with utmost care and efficacy, and take measures to avoid re-traumatization during the therapeutic process. We prioritize creating a supportive and secure environment for our clients as they navigate their healing journey.

Empathy-Based Practices at Serenity
Space Therapy

Our mental health experts are committed to establishing an atmosphere of emotional and physical safety, promoting inclusivity, and rejecting any form of judgment or discrimination. We welcome all individuals, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, culture, religion, ability, sexual identity, gender identity, or status.

Central to our therapeutic philosophy is an emphasis on empathy-based approaches. Our therapists strive to understand their clients, fostering strong connections with them deeply. For individual clients, we aim to nurture self-compassion, empowering them to embrace their own worth and value. In the context of couples and families, our therapists support the cultivation of empathy and understanding among loved ones, recognizing the vital role of connection and compassion in the human experience.

At our agency, we prioritize the well-being of every individual, and our therapists are dedicated to walking alongside our clients as they embark on their journey toward healing and growth.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
& Anti-Racism at Serenity Space Therapy

At our therapy practice, we prioritize client autonomy and empowerment. We firmly believe that clients have the ultimate authority in their treatment decisions. This encompasses various aspects, such as the type of treatment they prefer, the focus of their sessions, setting treatment goals, determining the frequency of sessions, and having control over the process of ending therapy.

Our therapists are dedicated to building a strong therapeutic alliance based on trust. We understand that trust begins by honoring and validating our clients' unique experiences and truths. We acknowledge that clients are the experts of their own stories and experiences, and our therapists strive to empower them to achieve their goals while respecting their beliefs, cultures, identities, and values.

We are committed to addressing racism and implicit bias in both our workplace and therapeutic settings. Our therapists actively engage in anti-racism trainings and continuously strive to improve their allyship. At Serenity Space Therapy, racism is not tolerated, and we encourage clients to report any concerns or complaints directly to our executive director, Alexandra Vaganova. We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Modern professional training and
up-to-date scientific research are
in action at Serenity Space Therapy

At our practice, our therapists continuously stay informed about the latest research and therapeutic approaches in the fields of trauma, relationships, sex therapy, and attachment. We are dedicated to maintaining our expertise and providing the most effective and up-to-date treatments to our clients.

We understand the importance of convenience and accessibility in today's fast-paced world. To make scheduling hassle-free, we have developed an intuitive website, an online-scheduling system, and a secure client portal. Our technology-friendly approach ensures that you can easily connect with us and manage your appointments.

As part of our commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, each therapist at our practice reserves two sliding scale spots to offer high-quality therapeutic services at an affordable rate for individuals with lower income who may need support.

Our dedication to serving the community extends beyond our clients. We actively create and provide free resources such as articles, workbooks, videos, and social media content to offer valuable information and guidance to a broader audience at no cost. We believe in making mental health resources accessible to everyone, and our efforts reflect this belief.

Our goal is to build a safe and supportive community to help you embrace your unique life experiences and cultural intersectionalities

At Serenity Space Therapy, we are dedicated to providing equitable mental health services, free from any form of discrimination or harassment based on various characteristics, including age, ancestry, citizenship, color, creed, cultural background, disability status, domestic partnership, economic status, education, ethnicity, gender expression, gender identity, gender presentation, genetic information, health status, household composition, housing status, immigrant status, intellectual ability, marital status, medical condition, mental ability, national origin, neurodiversity, non-qualifying disability, parental status, physical ability, pregnancy, race, relationship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and veteran status.

We treat all clients with dignity, compassion, and respect, honoring their individuality and gender identity by using their preferred names and pronouns.

At Serenity Space Therapy, we foster an inviting and nurturing environment where individuals are encouraged to openly discuss all intersections of marginalization, promoting a safe space for self-expression.

Should any unproductive expressions of hate, intolerance, or similar behavior towards our staff or other clients arise, we address and work through these issues therapeutically. If a client is unwilling to engage in this process, we reserve the right to refer them to another treatment provider. Our ultimate goal is to foster an atmosphere of healing, growth, and love within our community.

Questions about online counseling in Florida? Visit my FAQs page. 

Together let's open up your life to the peace and joy you deserve.

Questions about online counseling in Florida? Visit my FAQs page.